Ar Lan y Môr (Down by the Shore)

Lowrian Foraging

As I get more into the ‘Silly Season’ of full-time (and then some) work, I’m becoming ever more aware of the need to make time – even just in small chunks. The half-hour here, or the morning there. So it was today – I’ve been getting interested in the idea of foraging for some time now – beyond just foraging for medicinals – as I realise that there is a […]

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A Spring Clean for this Blog

Those paying attention may notice a few changes to Herbary… there are, and they are quite big. Let me explain what’s been going on, and what it means! I started Herbary 3 years or so ago now when I was finishing my degree and wanted to just dump a stream of consciousness somewhere. A bit like journalling, but with the added advantage of letting others see what I was on […]

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Herbary’s Book Buying List Summer 2017

Not particularly a blog post in the sense of anything meaningful, but I thought I’d share my list of books, magazine subscriptions and similar to buy for 2017. And because I’m feeling generous (more like because I want to know where to find them later) I’ve included the links to buy these. PlantHealer resubscription + Annuals $120 Dragibus Magazine Back issues $15 Herbal Roots Ezine? $35? Radical Herbalism $29 =$199 […]

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MBH 008 Mailbag Monday, German Loot

MuddyBootsHerbalist is back, fresh from travels to Germany. And what did I find there, well, quite a few things! A mahoosive beer glass (Maßkrug) for a start! And beer to go in it! I arrived home to find a lovely little goody box full of bottles, spray and pump dispenser tops and other goodness from Andy Hughes (The Sussex Herbalist). Thanks Andy! But what of my trip to Erfurt, the charming […]

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No-Dig Herb Beds with Mulch Membrane

An alternative to lasagna beds, straw bale beds, etc. As I mentioned in the last post about our plans for 2017, and my plans for the herb garden at Cae Non in particular, I have a need to rapidly extend the amount of land I have ‘under the boot’ to grow my herbs in. This year is shaping up to be the year that, having got my herbal medicine practice […]

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So, Christmas Day

So, Christmas day. You can almost hear the world breathing as up and down the land, families come together or friends meet up. This is psychic quiet time, where everyone’s thoughts turn inwards. This year, more than ever I feel I need that quiet – and more now than a single day can provide. So I’m closing the business apart from emergency repeats until after twelfth night. The same goes […]

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Merry Midwinter

Merry midwinter everyone. Today, the sun stopped slipping down the horizon and for three days, the length of day and night will not move. For the next three days until Christmas eve (sometimes it’s Christmas day) the sun ‘stands still’ (solstice in Latin). It is a time of great reflection and looking inwards. Today we did that… we gathered in the woods down the quarry and came together for a […]

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