Tag: green_gathering

Report from the Green Gathering

So, after experiencing the very uncomfortable sensation of writer’s block, after a good sleep, I can now write the report of the green gathering I originally wanted to! I haden’t originally thought I’d be able to go to the gathering, but I’m so glad I did. Below are my thoughts: The Herbal Bit The first thing to say is that the entire experience of the festival, and crewing as a […]

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Home from the Green Gathering

Oh dear, I just got my first lesson in writer’s block. I returned from the Green Gathering last night, and was over the moon with the amazing time I’d had, and fizzing with all sorts of stories and information, which I promptly spilled to anyone in the house that would listen, envigorated with enthusiasm. Then I did all the mundanities that anyone would do after getting in from a few […]

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Cinderella shall go to the ball…

Those that know me may know that I had planned to go to the Green Gathering this summer, to do a 3 day first aid course, beforehand and then crew at the festival in the herbal/first aid van. That plan was interrupted by lack of funds a month ago, and I had to give back word – in short, I couldn’t afford the course before hand. Anyway, this evening I […]

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