Off to the Scottish Radical Herbal Gathering

Scottish Radical Herb Gathering PosterSo, early tomorrow (more like later today as it’s after midnight) I am off to the Scottish Radical Herbal Gathering. One of the organisers, Ally Hurcikova was half a year below me at University and has now got deeply involved in the Scottish Radical Herbal network. So I was blown away when she invited me to present at this gathering/conference/event.

For me, it marks another step on the journey – this is the first time I’ve been invited to an event like this to present and share my passion for what I do and me love for getting hands on. It is also in a way a nice verification for me that people might be interested in what I’m saying!

On the Saturday of the conference, I’m joining other movers and shakers of the frontline herbal activism movement in a short slot/panel discussion on herbal medicine at the frontline. I’ll be using my 10 minutes to share my clinical experiences of working in the ‘Jungle’ – the Calais refugee camp.

On the Sunday though it what I really can’t wait to share – I’m doing a talk on Herbal Pharmacy as direct action – how making our own medicines and ingredients is an act of independence in a modern – and sometimes unfriendly world.

Here’s the blurb about my workshop – I really can’t emphasise enough how strongly I feel about this and how much I’m looking forward to sharing my passion:

“Medicine-making is a skill that is often overlooked in herbalists’ training programmes. Yet it is a skill that is fundamental to all that we do. In uncertain times, this workshop will look at how making our own medicines can save us money, give greater satisfaction and control of quality – and above all else be an act of professional independence.” 

But things will also get practical. I’m taking the Alembic still and setting it up to distill a floral water – while I’m doing the rest of the talk/workshop. The point to that is that if some dickhead can turn up on the back of an old 250 and after a 400 mile journey make an advanced herbal medicinal product, with relatively simple equipment – anybody can.

I can’t wait. A full report to follow – watch this space!

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